Taking Off The Shackles Of Fear & Stepping Forward, Putting Aside Every Negative Thought : Alfred's Diary - 5th May 2022

 Dear Diary,

   It's clear now to me my analysis paralysis is just fear of what people would think.

   Fear is a sin for a Christian.

   When a non Christian is afraid; that's just one feature of their natural state rising to the top. I'm not surprised. Fear is inherent in darkness so anyone who refuses the light which is Christ, naturally has signed up to be subject to fear which also happens to be one of Satan's favorite tools; right after telling lies.

   However, when a Christian is afraid it means that Christian doesn't believe God; that Christian doesn't believe God is able (Ephesians 3:20)… that Christian doesn't believe he or she can do all things through Christ who strengthens him or her (Philippians 4:13)… that Christian doesn't believe in God's love (John 3: 16).

   It is written, perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18).

   Any Christian who is afraid doesn't have love perfected in them.

   I have sinned by being afraid. I need to have love perfected in me. Then fear and things that fear creates like procrastination & analysis paralysis (which is just the fear of how people would receive, reject, or rank projects or goals one embarks on or completes) would disappear.

   I need to just start. No matter how bad it may look at the beginning. No matter how amateur I may look at the beginning. I need to just start. I need to despite not the days of little beginnings (Zechariah 4:10).